Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson
  Press Release February 12, 2008

Statement from David DiMartino, Deputy Chief of Staff

Office of Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson

February 12, 2008 - The following is a statement from Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson's Deputy Chief of Staff, David DiMartino, regarding the partisan political attack regarding the Nebraska Supreme Court ruling last Friday:

"The attack on Senator Nelson is political foolishness. Senator Nelson supports the death penalty.

"The politically motivated attack ignores the fact that Ben Nelson is the only governor to have administered the death penalty in Nebraska in nearly 50 years. For some perspective, the only governor to have administered the death penalty during Mark Quandahl’s entire lifetime is Ben Nelson.

"As governor Nelson supported lethal injection as a means of execution in Nebraska. Mark Quandahl had an opportunity in eight years in the legislature to do something about it but he failed.

"The Nebraska Supreme Court is a highly respected Court in Nebraska and across the country. Each of the Nebraska Supreme Court judges that have stood for retention votes won overwhelming support from the voters. This political attack on their integrity is shameful."
