Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson
  Press Release March 13, 2008


March 13, 2008 - The United States Senate today unanimously approved Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson's amendment to stimulate the economy by investing in our nation's infrastructure. The Nelson amendment to the annual budget doubles the amount of federal funds available for "ready-to-go" infrastructure projects.

"The Senate's action is a victory for economic stimulus and a stronger national infrastructure," said Senator Nelson. "My amendment is two for the price of one: spending to create jobs and much-needed infrastructure investment."

States and local governments have reported a crisis in transportation and infrastructure funding. According to a 2007 survey by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 17 states identified capital spending on infrastructure as a top issue they will face in 2008, and media reports have indicated that states are struggling to find funds to pay for new and improved roads, bridges and other building projects.

Nelson's amendment helps meet these pressing needs by doubling the amount of funding set aside for "ready-to-go" infrastructure projects in the budget under consideration by the Senate. Previously, the budget allocated $3.5 billion for such projects – with an additional $30 billion available for tax relief and undefined mandatory spending. Nelson's amendment designated $3.5 billion of the undefined mandatory spending as funding for "ready-to-go" projects, bringing the total for such projects to $7 billion.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) surveyed state Departments of Transportation and identified $17.819 billion in projects that could be placed under contract, with construction ready to go within three months. These projects would immediately create jobs and make needed improvements to our nation's infrastructure, which would also promote economic development and future job creation.

"If spending is good for the economy, investment is better. According to the Department of Transportation, every $1 billion in infrastructure spending creates over 40,000 jobs," said Nelson. "My amendment simply takes funding Congress is setting aside to spend on unspecified stimulus and directs it towards a lasting investment in infrastructure improvement. We double the investment, double the jobs, and double the improvement to our national infrastructure."

Votes on the budget are expected to continue throughout the day. Upon completion of the budget, the Appropriations Committee, of which Nelson is a member, will begin work allocating funding under the framework set down by the budget.
