Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson
  Press Release April 17, 2008


April 17, 2008 - Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson released the following statement on the extension of the Farm Bill:

"Today Congress passed the latest extension of the Farm Bill; proof, yet again, of the incredibly difficult situation surrounding this legislation.

"Looking at the latest proposals, I am very disappointed with the direction the Conference Committee seems to be taking on a number of important aspects, particularly the inability to improve upon payment limits and reform measures from the Senate-passed bill, the complete cut in funding for important Rural Development programs like the Rural Microenterprise Assistance program, the significant cuts in funding for the Energy Title and the continued struggle over a standing disaster program."

"While I support the much-needed additional funding for the nutrition and conservation titles, I think many of the proposals thus far fail to improve the ‘Food and Energy Security Act’ and I hope that the Conferees can make swift, significant progress towards a final product that best serves our farmers, our rural communities and our national food, feed and energy security needs."

Nelson serves on the Senate Committee on Agriculture.
