
 July 31, 2008: The Paycheck Fairness Act and Workplace Equality for Women.
   June 24, 2008: NAFTA and its Effect on the American Economy
 June 19, 2008: Energy Independence in America
speech  April 22, 2008:
The President's Compassionate Conservatism a Failure in America
speech  April 15, 2008:
Biofuels and Food Insecurity
speech  April 14, 2008:
Oil and the Colombian Free Trade Agreement
 April 9, 2008:
 Oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement
speech  February 6, 2008:
Oil Company Profits And The Budget
 January 22, 2008: Reclaiming the election's integrity
 January 16, 2008: Selling American Economic  Security
Speaking on the Floor
December 4, 2007:
Why America should support a strong energy bill.
November 7, 2007: Marcy urges her colleagues to oppose another Bush NAFTA expansion.