Welcome to the official home page of Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.

Interactive Map of the 2nd District of Arizona

If you live in the 2nd District, I am deeply honored to work on your behalf as a Member of the 110th Congress. Please use the contact information included on this website to share your thoughts and concerns with me at any time. Also, visit the “Constituent Services” tab (on the left) if my office may be of assistance to you.

It is a great privilege to represent you as a Member of Congress in Washington, D.C. since being elected in 2003, the 108th Congress. As we continue through the 110th Congress, I encourage you to communicate with me, whether by mail, phone, or email. I value each one of you and appreciate your thoughts and feedback, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Most Sincerely,

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U.S. Can’t Delay Fielding Missile Defense Systems

What is it that causes Members of Congress to so often forget that the most critical imperative of the federal government is to provide for the common defense? ...view more

Reagan's SDI Vision Today

March 23, 2008 marks the 25th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's landmark speech at the zenith of the Cold War, in which he proposed what became known as the Strategic Defense Initiative, to protect the United States of America, her allies, and her vital interests from ballistic missile attack. ...view more

Democrat Leadership Must Stop Politicking with America’s National Security

In August of last year, Congress passed the Protect America Act to close a dangerous loophole in our ability to collect intelligence on foreign-to-foreign electronic communications when they are routed through U.S. telecommunications infrastructure.  This legislation updated the archaic 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) to ensure that a FISA court order would not be necessary where the target was a foreign terrorist in a foreign land— as opposed to when the target is being surveilled on American soil. ...view more