Corrosion Technology Laboratory Home Page
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The Corrosion Technology Laboratory at the NASA Kennedy Space Center is a network of capabilities – people, equipment, and facilities that provide technical innovations and engineering services in all areas of corrosion for NASA and external customers.

The Corrosion Technology Laboratory:
  • Provides consulting and testing services for NASA and external customers
  • Conducts applied research
  • Develops new corrosion detection and control technologies
  • Investigates, evaluates, and determines materials performance and degradation in different environments in support of NASA, other government organizations, industry, and educational institutions
  • Participates in educational outreach activities


The cost of corrosion to the U.S.A. is $276 billion/year. This cost includes direct and indirect expenses associated with corrosion. This corrosion web site was developed to inform and educate the public on issues involving environmental deterioration of materials. Information and pictures of the corrosion engineering, research, and testing capabilities at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) are presented. This virtual tour includes visits to the Corrosion Laboratory, Beachside Atmospheric Test Facility, Coating Application Laboratory, Accelerated Corrosion Laboratory, and Photo documentation Facilities. An educational look at the various forms of corrosion, with accompanying photography is provided. Technical and scientific publications are made available. Access is provided to a printable brochure about our KSC Beach Corrosion Test Site. For those parties interested in doing business with our laboratories, contact information is supplied.

Kennedy Space Center’s launch facilities are located within 1000 feet of the Atlantic Ocean.  Salt from the ocean combined with the launch vehicles’ acidic rocket exhaust make corrosion protection a high priority.  For these reasons, KSC maintains state-of-the-art corrosion research and testing capabilities.   Our Beach Corrosion Test Site has been documented as having higher atmospheric corrosion rates than any other test site in the United States.

The Corrosion Technology Laboratory is part of the Applied Technology Division and any project involving corrosion may utilize this fully staffed and equipped corrosion laboratory as a resource. 

pdf logoNASA Corrosion Technology Laboratory Presentation (Adobe pdf format)

Where are we

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Engineer performing an experiment outside swpacer
