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Dealing with Misconduct

When an employee has done something or failed to do something which adversely affects his/her work, the ability of others to do their work, or the agency's mission, a supervisor is faced with decisions on how to handle the incident or series of incidents. First, the supervisor must decide whether the incident involves the employee's poor job performance or an  act of misconduct or delinquency. Normally, it is one or the other, but in some cases it could be both. Next, the supervisor must decide what type of management action will best deal with the incident(s).

If it is misconduct or delinquency, such as tardiness, failure to properly request leave, insubordination, theft, etc., then an option could be to take disciplinary action.
non-disciplinary adverse action is an adverse action taken for reason(s) other than to correct an employee's delinquency or misconduct.

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