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Transportation Research Program Administration in Europe, Japan, and South Korea Scan Trip Report

In April 2008, a team of eleven transportation research, asset, and policy management experts from the United States (U.S.) visited Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium (European Commission), France, Japan, and Korea to review and assess transportation research program administration practices. The scan tour members sought policy options and initiatives as well as process improvements to enhance the effectiveness of transportation research administrative activities in the U.S. Additionally the team identified successful practices having potential to be applied to U.S. surface transportation research programs particularly in the public sector. The scan team met with senior research program administrators from national governments and the European Commission, non-government national research consortia, and institutes, centers of excellence, research foundations, and universities.

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Hana Maier
Office of International Programs

This page last modified on 02/01/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration