MSEL, NIST Center for Neutron Research
Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory NIST Center for Neutron Research

Laboratory Home



Available Equipment

Available Supplies

Sample Environments

Safety Information

Info for New Research Staff

Info for New Users

Shipping & Experiment Proposal Forms

*Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified on this website. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

NCNR User Laboratory Facilites




Most experiments conducted at the NCNR require a level of onsite sample preparation or support. To facilitate these experiments we provide five well-supplied user laboratories as well as two laboratories dedicated to analytical equipment. The five user laboratories each have a specific focus; Crystallography , Surface Sciences, Material Science and Hydrogen, Biology, and Macromolecular Science. The two analytical laboratories are dedicated to X-ray scattering and sample characterization.

Safety is the top priority at the NCNR: the only good experiment is a safe one. New users are required to take a short laboratory safety course before using any laboratory facility. Not every safety regulation can be touched upon in this shourt course: if in doubt, please ask your local contact or laboratory responsible. Safety infractions cannot be tolerated.

Many users visit the NCNR and each experiment is equally important. To ensure every experiment runs smoothly, please only use the laboratory space assigned to you and sign out any equipment you use. If you feel you need more space, or have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to ask your local contact for assistance.

Our goal at the NCNR is to maximize the use of your neutron beamtime by providing you with the best support and equipment possible. Our staff are eager to hear your comments, questions and suggestions and are always ready to help.

What's New in the Sample Prep. Labs

Laboratory B147 is now ready for use. (8-May-2008)

Updates have been made to A127, E131, E133, E134 and E136. (5-Mar-2008)

A search function has been added to the side bar. (6-Mar-2007)

New equipment has been added to A127, E133, E134, E136, E137 and E138. (25-Jan-2007)

Last modified 08-May-2008