The ORNL CFADC "Redbooks"

This location contains on-line versions of the most recent and most widely requested CFADC series of volumes ( Atomic Data for Fusion ) containing recommended data for certain fusion relevant atomic collision processes.

A list of all Redbooks published by ORNL is also available on-line.

Volume 1: Collisions of H, H2, He, and Li Atoms and Ions with Atoms and Molecules ORNL-6086 V1.

The recommended data in this volume has been fit using Chebyshev polynomials and is available as an ALADDIN file (here).

New parameterizations based on semiempirical functional forms have been made by Ito, Tabata, Shirai, and Phaneuf ( "Analytic Cross Sections for Collisions of H, H2, He, and Li Atoms and Ions with Atoms and Molecules. Volumes I, II, and III" ), Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Reports JAERI-M 93-117 (June 1993), JAERI-Data/Code 94-005 (July 1994), and JAERI-Data/Code 95-008 (July 1995).

Volume 3: Particle Interactions with Surfaces ORNL-6088 (ORNL-6086 V3).


Volume 4: Spectroscopic Data for Iron ORNL-6089 (ORNL-6086 V4).

Spectroscopic Data for Titanium, Chromium, and Nickel

Volume 5: Collisions of Carbon and Oxygen Ions with Electrons, H, H2, and He ORNL-6090 (ORNL-6086 V5).

The recommended data in this volume has been fit using Chebyshev polynomials and is available as an ALADDIN file (here).

Last Modified : March 5, 2001

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