The American Law Division's work addresses the myriad legal questions that arise in a legislative context or are otherwise of interest to Congress. Some issues relate to the institutional prerogatives of Congress under the Constitution. Other questions involve constitutional and legal principles of statutory analysis that cross legislative policy areas, such as federalism, commerce powers and individual rights. The division also focuses on the intricacies of legal precedent and statutory construction as they relate to business, crime, the environment, civil rights, international law and other issues.

The division is comprised of five research sections, each led by a section research manager.

  • Administrative Law
  • Business
  • Congress
  • Courts and International
  • Natural Resources

Attorneys in each section can expect to work in a variety of legal areas to meet the changing demands of the legislative agenda and congressional interests.

Congressional Research Service
The Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20540-7500