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I believe that protecting our environment is extremely important for the health and well-being of all Americans. I have consistently fought for standards that keep our air clean and our water safe, preserve our natural resources, and protect our wildlife, wetlands and coastlines. What we do today will have an impact on all those who come after us. I believe in policies that protect America's environment while still allowing for responsible economic growth. Congress must continue to take steps to pass a comprehensive energy policy that promotes efficiency and innovation and protects our consumers.

Environmental Organizations

I am humbled by the recognition I have received from a variety of dedicated environmental groups. Throughout my time in Congress, I have received high marks from these organizations for my voting record and history of advocacy for their causes. Often issued in the form of "report cards," scores are awarded based on how I voted on key issues. Last year I received a 100% rating from the Defenders of Wildlife on their Conservation report and a 95% rating from the League of Conservation Voters on their National Environmental Scoreboard.

Global Warming

We need to get our priorities straight: Global warming can no longer be ignored. A significant majority of the scientific community believes human activities have contributed to a rise in global average temperatures through increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by one-third over the last 150 years. Due to rising sea levels, altered precipitation patterns and other climate conditions, climate change can have devastating effects on forests, agriculture and water supplies around the world.

We must all live together in a responsible manner on this little planet we call home. America must provide strong leadership to reduce emissions that are responsible for global warming. We need to develop new technologies and implement aggressive policies that spur new creativity in the free market to reverse these dangerous trends. We must spur the next generation of energy technology-hydrogen, ethanol, wind, solar and other sources of energy that will not harm our planet. U.S. climate leadership will also create jobs and strengthen our economy. America has the technology and know-how to lead the world in environmental solutions while creating good-paying jobs here at home and strengthening America's economy. When there is legislation to keep this planet green, it will have my support. Together we can leave our planet a little greener and a little more peaceful.

Lieberman-Warner Climate Act of 2008 (S. 3036) 

I am very excited about the progress we are making with legislation to fight the global warming crisis. Recently, the Lieberman-Warner Act (S. 3036), was introduced on the floor of the Senate. While I support even more aggressive reforms than those in this proposal, I am pleased that more and more officials in Washington are recognizing this growing threat. I look forward to working with a president who is a true partner in fighting the global warming crisis.

The Lieberman-Warner bill would establish a "cap-and-trade" system to cut greenhouse gases.  According to the legislation, the government would set a "cap" for greenhouse gas emissions, print and distribute free "allowances" to 2,100 power plants, factories, and other pollution-emitting facilities, and then require those facilities to submit allowances to cover their emissions each year. Fewer and fewer allowances are given each year from 2012 to 2050. The proposal would cute emissions by 66% by 2050 and covers six greenhouse gases, not just the traditional carbon dioxide. The more efficient a facility becomes, the more they are rewarded under the cap and trade system because they can sell their allowances. The proposal also includes tax cuts for low-income people to offset the expected rise in energy costs and revenue would also fund research and development of new energy sources and conservation and help affected industries. The proposal also has the possibility to create tens of thousands of "green" or clean-tech jobs.

For more information on this bill, please click here.

Safe Climate Act of 2007 (H.R. 1590)

Serious global warming impacts have already been observed around the world: rising sea levels and retreating glaciers, stronger hurricanes and intensifying droughts and wildfires, ocean acidification and extensive coral bleaching, as well as shifts in the migration cycles of plants and animals.

We must take decisive action to minimize the many dangers posed by global warming, and that is why I am a supporter of the Safe Climate Act. With only five percent of the world population, the U.S. emits roughly 20 percent of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions and must be a leader in addressing global warming. Existing energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy technologies can reduce global warming pollution, while saving consumers money, reduce our dependence on oil, enhancing national security, cleaning the air, and protecting pristine places from drilling and mining.

In 2010, the quantity of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions shall not exceed the quantity of U.S. greenhouse gases projected to be emitted in 2009. Beginning in 2011, the quantity shall be reduced by roughly 2 percent each year, such that the quantity by 2020 does not exceed the quantity in 1990. Beginning in 2021, the quantity shall be reduced by roughly 5 percent a year, such that the quantity does not exceed 20 percent of the quantity emitted in 1990. Every five years the National Academies shall submit a report to the Administrator and the Congress on the prospects for avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system and the progress made to date.

Conservation Funding

It is extremely important that we continue to fund efforts to protect wildlife and their natural habitats for the future. I recognize that species throughout the world face ongoing threats, including poaching, disease and habitat loss. Conservation efforts are often hindered by poverty, violent conflicts and natural disasters. Despite those obstacles, the programs within the Multinational Species Conservation Fund have been extremely effective. That is why we must ensure its funding is secure.

I strongly believe the federal government has an important role to play in protecting nature around the planet. I will always support funding for the Biodiversity Conservation Program and other efforts that promote the sustainable use, protection, and conservation of natural resources and endangered species around the world. We must also fully honor our commitment to the Global Environmental Facility as it continues to protect the world's atmosphere, international waters, and biological diversity. I will work hard to ensure these initiatives receive the support they need to achieve their critically important missions.

Climate Stewardship Act (H.R. 620)

I support the Climate Stewardship Act, which would take important steps to curb carbon emission in the United States. This legislation would establish a program for market-driven reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of tradable emission allowances. We need a system in place to deal with this growing environmental threat. I will continue to support legislation which reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

It will establish a program of scientific research on abrupt climate change, to reduce dependence on foreign oil, and to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. This legislation would create a market-driven system of greenhouse gas allowances that could be traded and used interchangeably with passenger vehicle fuel economy standard credits to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. and reduce dependence upon foreign oil.

Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 2169) 

I am a cosponsor of the Clean Water Protection Act because it strengthens the Clean Water Act to protect our valleys and streams from the dumping of refuse. In recent years, mining companies using mountain top removal techniques have exploited a loophole that allows them to fill the valleys below with tons of waste rock. This waste rock severely damages and alters the habitat of the surrounding area. This legislation closes that loophole by identifying waste rock as the pollutant it is. I am opposed to the destructive practice of irresponsible mountain top removal mining. We must be good stewards of our environment by protecting our rivers and streams from the pollution of this practice. People have a right to drink clean water. No one should infringe on this basic right.

Endangered Species Recovery Act (H.R. 1422)

I deeply believe we must protect our country's wildlife for future generations, particularly those species experiencing decreasing populations. I have always been a strong supporter of efforts keep our planet green and protect the species that we share this little planet with. I have a record of supporting environmentally friendly legislation and opposing effort to weaken environmental standards. I am a proud cosponsor of the Endangered Species Recovery Act, which was introduced in the spring of 2007. I also was a staunch opponent of the misleadingly titled Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2005 (HR 3824), which threatened the existence of rare species by gutting critical protections and ignoring the crucial role of protecting wildlife habitats. I am pleased to tell you that we were successful in our efforts to keep this harmful bill from becoming law. I am proud that so many of us in the Congress have gone to great lengths to uphold the Endangered Species Act. I will continue to support programs and policies that protect our planet and those species we share this little piece of real estate with.

Refuge Ecology Protection, Assistance, and Immediate Response Act (H.R. 767)

It is essential that we continue to protect, conserve, and restore native wildlife and their natural habitats within the National Wildlife Refuge System through the Refuge Ecology Protection, Assistance, and Immediate Response Act. Inadequate funding has predictably led to negative effects around the country, causing many refuges to slip into disrepair. The U.S. Refuge System is a destination for roughly 40 million Americans each year and a safe haven for more than 250 threatened or endangered plants and animals, it is extremely important that we provide adequate funding. I will continue to support legislation that moves us toward that goal.

Bear Protection Act of 2007 (H.R. 3029)

I am strong supporter of the Bear Protection Act and signed on as a cosponsor when it was introduced in the summer of 2007. I am firmly committed to protecting the world's bear populations, and that is why I enthusiastically endorse efforts to prohibit the importation, exportation and interstate trade of bear viscera. I have always been a strong supporter of animal rights and will continue to vote for legislation that protects them. We must work to ensure that our country does not contribute to the decline of any bear population as a result of the commercial trade of bear viscera and must lead a worldwide effort to end it. I believe those who endanger America's wildlife should face stiff penalties and support the provision in this bill that states any person who knowingly violates the Act could face both a $25,000 fine for each violation and up to a year in prison.

National Landscape Conservation System Act (H.R. 2016)

I am proud that the National Landscape Conservation System Act formally establishes the NLCS in a move that also sets aside more than 26 million acres of public land that are home to the nation's most impressive wildlands. It is so important that we continue to permanently protect important cultural sites and historic scenic trails as well as a wide array of wildlife and wilderness areas. This bill is jus the latest in a series of measures that Democrats in the Congress have proposed as we fight for clean air, safe water and preservation of our wildlife and natural resources. I will always fight hard for programs and policies that safeguard America's environment for our future generations.

The Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act (H.R. 2262)

Comprehensive mining reform is long overdue. I am pleased that the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act finally requires royalty payments from mining on Federal land, establishes new standards for keeping water and air safe, and prohibits mining in certain valuable wilderness areas. It is so important that we protect our nation's pristine places from unnecessary and drilling and mining that harms our environment, and this legislation includes measurable progress toward that goal.



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