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Related Projects:
   Coastal Gradients of Flow, Salinity and Nutrients
   Freshwater Flows to Northeastern FL Bay
   Hydrologic Monitoring in Joe Bay
   SW FL Coastal & Wetland Systems Monitoring



Hydrology Data

Format for Hydrology Data

Water level, discharge, salinity/specific conductance, water temperature, and rainfall data were collected in estuarine creeks, the mangrove/wetland transition zone, and the freshwater wetlands of south Florida. Published data are presented as computed unit-value data under separate files by water year. The data format used is comma-separated value (csv) files that can be imported into most spreadsheet programs.

The data are separated by individual stations (see sites listing), water year (October 1 to September 30), and when necessary, by parameter. Data collection activities varied from real-time instrumented to non-transmitting sites. Salinity/specific conductance and water temperature generally were measured within a few feet of the water surface (near surface) and within a few feet of the river bottom (near bottom). In some cases (wetland or well mixed sites), salinity/specific conductance and water temperature are measured at a single location in vertical profile. Elevations of the continuous monitors are available upon request. Water level is reported in feet as referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), discharge in cubic feet per second, specific conductance in micro-siemens per centimeter, salinity in parts per thousand, and temperature in degrees Celsius.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last updated: 03 August, 2007 @ 10:25 AM(KP)