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Congresswoman Hayworth Receives "Friends of Farm Bureau" Recognition from New York State Farm Bureau


Washington, DC – Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, M.D. (NY-19) announced today that she has been awarded  “Friends of Farm Bureau” recognition by the New York Farm Bureau (NYFB). The “Friends of Farm Bureau” award is given at the end of each congress to those members of congress who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureau’s and approved by the American Farm Bureau Federation board of directors. This award is based upon voting records on AFBF’s priority issues established by the board of directors, number of bills that a member has sponsored and co-sponsored, specific leadership role for Farm Bureau on priority issues, and how accessible and responsive that member is to Farm Bureau members and leaders. In addition , the state Farm Bureau lists any other reasons why a member should receive this award.

“Being recognized as a Friend of The Farm Bureau's is a great honor ,” said Congresswoman Hayworth, "and it's one I'm proud to have earned by working as hard as I can for our farmers in the Hudson Valley. Our farmers and growers are giving their all every day to provide our region with wholesome and delicious local food, to serve not only our nutritional needs but also our economic vitality. 

"I'm grateful for the opportunity to help our agricultural community whenever and wherever they've needed me," Hayworth continued. "I've fought for disaster assistance, successfully lobbied the Department of Labor to reconsider rules that would have adversely affected teenagers working on family farms, and worked to assure that any new wetlands programs accommodate the unique character of our Black Dirt Region. Our family farms deserve an advocate and I am truly privileged to be their friend and their voice in Washington.”

Of the 27 members in the New York Congressional delegation, only nine (9) received the “Friend of Farm” Bureau award.

The complete list is available at (see page 8).