JPAC - Accounting for Americans Lost During Past US Conflicts

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Report a Recovery Site
  JPAC's Museum/CIL Partnership Program

As part of the JPAC mission to account for Americans missing as a result of previous conflicts, recovery operations are performed throughout the world. One of the goals of the recovery operations is to obtain material evidence that can be used to support the identification of missing individuals. Material evidence is a general term that applies to personal effects, uniform items, weapons, tools, aircraft parts, and more. Material evidence is curated in the Central Identification Laboratory (CIL) upon the return of our teams from the field. Items with probative value are then analyzed, researched, photographed, and described in a formal report. Typically, personal effects are released to the appropriate next of kin following the resolution of a case. Other items are retained indefinitely by the CIL.

Material evidence retained by JPAC's CIL following case resolution occasionally has significant value beyond its meaning in the context of full accounting of the missing. This value includes the potential of individual artifacts to tell the story of brave men and women who have given their lives in the service of their country. Consequently, the JPAC CIL has entered into partnerships with selected museums that specialize in telling the story of America's military heroes. The partnerships, established through a memorandum of understanding between the museum director and the JPAC CIL Scientific Director, provide a mechanism by which the CIL can permanently loan artifacts to museum partners.

This web page provides general instructions for museum partners wishing to request artifacts on loan. These procedures apply equally to all museum partners. The specific conditions under which the JPAC Central Identification Laboratory (CIL) will loan artifacts to a museum partner are articulated in the Memorandum of Understanding between the CIL and the museum. We hope to improve our request procedures and this web site. If you have suggestions for ways to make these procedures more museum-friendly or to improve the design of the web site, please contact Dr. John Byrd and the JPAC Webmaster.

The mode of presentation of the available artifacts is the Material Evidence Report (MER), which contains background information, photographic images, and narrative descriptions of each item. CIL anthropologists and archaeologists generate a MER for every case that includes material evidence. Once a case is closed and the family of the deceased has selected the items which they are entitled to receive, the MER from that case will be posted in this web site and museum partners may make requests of individual items. Artifacts that are no longer available will be clearly marked as such.

Requests will typically be granted on a first-come-first-served basis. However, there will occasionally be instances in which multiple museum partners request the same items. In these cases, the CIL Scientific Director shall grant the materials to the museum that he determines will best serve the interest of JPAC and the general public in their use of the materials in question.

A request form has been provided in this page to facilitate artifact requests from museum partners. The form requires the entry of the museum name, the name of the requesting official, and the email address of the requesting official. The requesting official must be a person authorized by the museum to make requests on its behalf. The MER number is the report number taken from its title, and the individual artifact number is as given in the report. A comments block gives the requesting official the opportunity to make detailed requests. If the museum is willing to accept a similar item in the event that the requested item is unavailable, then the requesting official should so indicate. The request form can be reached from the link entitled, "Request Form." Forms can be emailed to mailDr. John Byrd ( or faxed to 808.448.1982. The CIL will respond to the requesting official via email.

Note: Each of the links below will take you to a Material Evidence Report (MER) compiled by JPAC. The reports have been saved as .pdf files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader. external linkClick here to download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Because the files contain multiple images, please allow sufficient time for large files to open. Contact JPAC Public Affairs if you need further assistance.


pdf1996-033 pdfMER1998-097 pdfMER1999-112
pdfMER1999-112Photo pdfMER2000-049Pt1 pdfMER2000-049Pt2
pdfMER2000-067 pdfMER2000-105-A pdfMER2000-116-A
pdfMER2000-141 pdfMER2001-037 pdfMER2001-055
pdfMER2000-141 pdfMER2001-127 pdfMER2001-128
pdfMER2001-133 pdfMER2001-134 pdfMER2001-135
pdfMER2002-074 pdfMER2002-113 pdfMER2002-125

North Africa


New Guinea

pdfMER1999-012_INTRO pdfMER1999-012part1 pdfMER1999-012 part2
pdfMER1999-012 20part3 pdfMER1999-012 20part4 pdfMER1999-012 20part5
pdfMER1999-012 20part6 pdfMER1999-012 20part7 pdfMER1999-012 20part8

Note: Each of the links below will take you to a Material Evidence Report (MER) compiled by JPAC. The reports have been saved as .pdf files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader. external linkClick here to download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Because the files contain multiple images, please allow sufficient time for large files to open. Contact JPAC Public Affairs if you need further assistance.

North Korea

pdf1992-101MER pdfMER1993-347-A-01 pdfMER1993-347A_02
pdfMER1998-073 pdfMER1998-120 pdfMER1999-117
pdfMER2001-113 pdfMER2001-114 pdfMER2001-178-A.1

South Korea


Note: Each of the links below will take you to a Material Evidence Report (MER) compiled by JPAC. The reports have been saved as .pdf files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader. external linkClick here to download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Because the files contain multiple images, please allow sufficient time for large files to open. Contact JPAC Public Affairs if you need further assistance.


pdfMER1986-055 pdfMER1989-154 pdfMER1991-163-A-01
pdfMER1993-056 pdfMER1993-058 pdfMER1994-147
pdfMER1995-112 pdfMER1996-044 pdfMER1996-068
pdfMER1997-015-A pdfMER1997-032 pdfMER1999-006
pdfMER1999-059 pdfMER1999-062 pdfMER1999-077-A
pdfMER2000-123 pdfMER2001-119 pdfMER2001-174
pdfMER2002-066-A pdfMER2000-040 pdfMER2000-041


pdfMER1986-055 pdfMER1989-154 pdfMER1991-163-A-01
pdfMER1994-024 pdfMER1995-004 pdfMER1997-067
pdfMER1998-031 pdfMER1999-082 pdfMER2000-013
pdfMER2000-015 pdfMER2000-128 pdfMER2000-129
pdfMER2001-109 pdfMER2001-116 pdfMER2002-064


pdfMER1999-034 pdfMER2002-046
