Ike and Harry 2012

Ike and Harry 2012


Take a ride on the campaign trail with Ike & Harry! A project from the Eisenhower & Truman Presidential Libraries.


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Who said it? "You don’t get any double talk from me. I’m either for something or against it, and you know it. You know what I stand for."

“The strength of America’s political life depends not upon the size of political promises but the integrity of political purposes.”

Ike promised himself on the campaign that “having put my hand to the plow I intend to see the job through to the end of the furrow.”

In 1951 Oregon Democrats wanted Ike so bad they filed petitions putting him on the Democratic primary ballot.

Truman to Ike:”There is nothing that you may want that I won’t try to help you get.That definitely and specifically includes the presidency”

Military Monday Fact: General Marshall refused to call by his nickname. He would only call him by his surname or “Mr. President”


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