JFK LibraryAkaun disahkan


Dedicated to the memory of our nation's 35th president. Follow JFK's words in today's world .

Columbia Point, Boston MA
Menyertai April 2009

@JFKLibrary disekat

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  1. mengetweet semula

    And a brilliant comes to a close. Thank you and David McCullough

  2. mengetweet semula

    grew up in a home that promoted intellectual curiosity & the arts

  3. mengetweet semula

    "She is my polar star." David McCullough on wife, Rosalee, tonight before discussing

  4. "We all need someone that lifts our sights higher...he had that gift." David McCullough on JFK

  5. "History is a very good antidote to the hubris of the present." David McCullough

  6. "This summer 220 million people will fly an airplane...and we all take it for granted." McCullough on

  7. "Their bravery. Their intellectual curiosity. Their ingenuity were all admirable to the extreme." McCullough on the

  8. mengetweet semula

    College students/grads should read letters of Orville/Wilbur Wright to learn how to write letters. - David McCullough

  9. "Neither one of them ever finished high school..it's humbling." David McCullough on

  10. Such a fabulous line!

  11. mengetweet semula

    Streaming now! live at - Watch It!

  12. mengetweet semula

    Monday night hangs w/ & "curiosity is accelerative."

  13. "Curiosity is accelerative - like gravity. The adventures I've had writing this book are extraordinary." David McCullough on

  14. "I'm not an expert. I don't want to be an expert. Experts have lots of answers. I ask lots of questions." David McCullough

  15. mengetweet semula

    David McCollough "paints with his words"

  16. Glad to have you watching!

  17. We're streaming live! Watch at

  18. Completely packed house for David McCullough.

  19. mengetweet semula

    Streaming now! live at , watch here: .

  20. Welcome to the !

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