Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman


United States Senator (I-CT)

  1. Thank you to my followers for reading & to the people of CT for the opportunity to serve. May 2013 bring you health & happiness

  2. I also applaud Sec of State Hillary Clinton, who has served our nation w/such extraordinary skill, integrity & results over the past 4yrs

  3. I commend & strongly support President Obama's nomination of my colleague & friend since college to be our next Sec of State

  4. CT Delegation resolution condemning attack on Sandy Hook Elementary & expressing support, prayers for those impacted passed Senate, House

  5. I’ll continue the important conversation on violence and gun control on CNN Newsroom with in a couple minutes.

  6. I'll join the conversation today at 9 MT : will focus this week's show entirely on the tragic shootings.

  7. Today at about 1:30, I will deliver my farewell speech on the Senate floor. I'm so very grateful to for the opportunity to have served.

  8. Honored to receive Natnl Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal today from Dir of Natnl Intelligence Clapper

  9. Introducing a resolution 2day w/ & Sen Risch urging EU to sanction . We’re proud over half the Senate is cosponsoring

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