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The National Archives, D.C.
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  1. 16 jam lalu

    Slave manifest for 41 enslaved people who were shipped to New Orleans, Louisiana from Richmond, Virginia. Among them was Solomon Northup, listed on the manifest as Plat Hamilton. , 1841.

    Manifest of Slaves, intended to be transported on board the Brig Orleans of Richmond, whereof William Wickerson is Master, of burthen One Hundred & Ninety six tons, bound from the Port of Richmond, State of Virginia, for the Port of New Orleans, in the State of Louisiana, this 27th day of April, 1841

Names                                        Sex                       Age                    Stature (feet/inches)              Complexion
1 Cuff Singleton                   Male                       40                        5'6                                                  Black
2 Mingo                                        "                           25                        5'7                                                       "
3 Harry Shipman                      "                          40                        5'8                                                       "
[full transcription at link]
    [detail of full document]
31 [Michala ?]                     Female                  23                          5'6                                           Black
32 Caroline Parnell              "                           20                           5'2                                               "
33 Plat Hamilton                Male                      26                           5'7                                           Yellow
34 Clem Woodard                 "                          19                            5'7                                          Black
35 Rudal Ames                       "                          15                             5'1                                              "
36 [Eleck Penny]                   "                           11                            4'7                                               "
[full transcription at link]
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  2. 22 Mei

    Mrs. Cayton and her children, in 1921. Paralyzed at age 35, this “very intelligent woman” kept a “very comfortable one room house” with the help of her children and her community.

    A family portrait. Mrs. Cayton sits on a bench, wrapped in a shawl, holding an infant on her lap. A teenaged boy wearing a newsboy cap and a suit stands behind the bench. A preteen girl wearing a stocking hat with her dress and cardigan sits next to her mother.

Allottee No.



Fee Pat.

Husb. & 5 children

Home at Heart Butte station.  No horses, no cattle, no chickens.  Has wheat, plans garden.  Is an invalid.  Children in good health.  Husband deserted her.

Picture taken at Heart Butte of Mrs. Cayton and children May 22, 1921.

Date of survey - - - - - - - - April 29, 1921


After lunch the same party proceeded to visit Indian homes nearer the sub-agency, the first one being that of Mrs. Joe Cayton.

This is a woman who was paralyzed four years ago.  She is a very intelligent woman and has a family of four girls and one boy.  The oldest girl is in the Chemawa Indian school, the next oldest is at home helping to take care of the mother, the boy is at school at Dupuyer, and there is a baby in the home eight months old acknowledged by the husband.  Her husband has practically deserted her for the last three years and is now reported to be living with Mrs. Eliza Rutherford, a mixed blood woman, in the town of Dupuyer.  I think both of these people, Mr. Cayton and Mrs. Rutherford, have patents in fee and so far as we know are living in the town as man and wife.  This is another case similar to that of Frank Choate, previously mentioned, only more serious because of the helpless condition of the wife.

[full transcription at link]
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  3. 21 Mei

    A simulated free fall exercise in a vertical wind tunnel at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, in 1986. Whee!

    A man in an orange flight suit, sneakers, and a helmet is suspended facedown from a harness attached to his shoulders and knees. He is hanging over a large circular opening covered with mesh that is puffing out as the wind pushes up on it.
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  4. 20 Mei

    It's World Bee Day! Bumble bee on fireweed in Alaska, 1972.

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  5. 20 Mei

    Fer-Aperient label, trademark applied for in 1901. How about a nice spoonful of poison?

(Vinum Ferri Aperientis Comp.)

Each Fluidrachm contains:
Chlor. Strychnine...1-128 grain
Chlor. Arsenic...1-96 grain
Aperient Iron...3 grains
Glycerine...15 minims


DOSE. --Teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful
three times a day after meals, or as directed
by the physician.


[image of factory]

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  6. 19 Mei

    A protester is handcuffed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Protestors flooded the main gate by the hundreds to have their voices heard for their stand against the National Missile Defense Systems launches that launch from Vandenberg, in 2001

    A young white woman kneels on a paved road as two airmen handcuff her and a third watches. The airmen carry bundles of heavy plastic zipties at their belts. The woman is wearing sunglasses, jeans, and a t-shirt that reads “OXY OUT OF U’WA LAND,” and has her face turned up to the sun.
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  7. 18 Mei

    Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, Jr., member of the Tuskegee Airmen, signs a canopy modeled after his P51 D Mustang during a reception following unveiling ceremonies, in 1996

    Dr. Brown, a 74-year-old Black man wearing a leather jacket with an American flag on the shoulder, leans over to sign an aircraft canopy with “Roscoe C Brown Jr / Capt 100th FS / #7”.
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  8. Mengetweet Semula
    15 Mei
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  9. 17 Mei
    A political cartoon of a man sitting in a chair, staring at a pad of paper, doing math. Discarded sheets of paper cover the floor and numbers float around him in the air. A page on a desk says "SIX BILLION DOLLAR TAX BILL REPORTED / INCOME TAX PROVISIONS."
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  10. 17 Mei

    Rest Period at the Day School, 5/17/1936 Children of the Spirit Lake Tribe in Fort Totten, North Dakota, rest on the lawn of a Bureau of Indian Affairs school.

    A group of elementary-school-aged girls sit, kneel, and lay on small mats on the lawn of a school. They all have bobbed hair and bangs and wear printed short-sleeved dresses with collars. One boy in the foreground of the photo props his head on his hands. An older woman stands behind the group. In the background we can see the buildings of the school.
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  11. 16 Mei

    Temperance Lecture, in 1886 "Here's the Pledge, Oh, come and sign it, sign and keep it true, Leave the cup, there's poison in it, misery and woe."

    Union Temperance Meeting.
"Here's the Pledge, Oh, come and sign it, sign and keep it true,
Leave the cup, there's poison in it, misery and woe."
Hon. Elijah A. Morse
Of Canton, Mass., State SEnator, will give a free
Town Hall, Berlin,
Sunday Eve'g, May 16, 1886,
At 7.30 o'clock.
Mr. Morse has also accrpted an invitation to give a RELIGIOUS
ADDRESS at the Congregational Church, Sunday morning, at the usual hour
of service, 10.30.
Subject: "Blessings of the Gospel from a business Standpoint," Continued.
Everybody is invited. Admittance free.

[full transcription at link]
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  12. 15 Mei

    This letter argues that Chinese immigrants to the US should be able to leave the country and return, regardless of their assets or profession, in 1901

Mr. Secretary:-

Your present visit to the Pacific Coast seems to me an opportune time to address you on a portion of the Chinese Exclusion Act that has for years past, appeared to me foreign to the traditions and principles of this Country. I refer to that portion relative to those privileged to visit their native land and return to this country. As you know, the present privileged class is quite a small one, merchants, some few professionals and those showing assets of $1000.00, (which last qualification is practically a dead letter.) Now it appears to me unjust that a distinction should be drawn between classes in a matter that appeals to one's humanity, most of the Chinese men in this Country having wives and families in China, and unless they belong to the privilege class, they cannot visit them and return.

[full transcription at link]
    Let each person on departure deposit his Certificate of Residence with the port Custom Authorities, receiving in exchange a receipt sufficiently explicit to ensure identification with the original, without giving the personal description of the owner, in this way minimizing successful impersonation. Let the person on production of receipt and proving his identity, according to the Certificate deposited, receive back his Certificate, and land.

[full transcription at link]
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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    12 Mei
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  14. 14 Mei

    Photograph of Map and Tube to Illustrate Condition of Some Maps, Rolled in Tubes, When Transferred to the National Archives, , 1941

    A map that has been rolled but then squashed to about half its length. It looks very crunchy and difficult to open. Nearby is the tube that it had been stored inside.
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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    13 Mei

    1862 Robert Smalls stole the CSS Planter & sailed himself & others to freedom thru 5 Confederate checkpoints into Union waters. After his escape, Smalls went on to recruit black soldiers for the Union & became Captain of the Planter, now a Union vessel 📷

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  16. 13 Mei

    “When [Native American] pupils have finished the fourth-grade work, or are 14 years old . . . they should be transferred to some nonreservation school . . . . ”, in 1911

This is the blank referred to in Section XI.)

     I.  All healthy children of school age, 5 to 18, should be placed in some school--day, reservation, boarding, nonreservation, public, or mission.  The Office desires that Superintendents consider this matter of special importance.

    IV.  When pupils have finished the fourth-grade work, or are 14 years old, and in good health and capable of further advancement, which they can not obtain in accessible public schools, they should be transferred to some nonreservation school with the written consent of the parents, or, if neither are living, then with the written consent of the next of kin.
     In arranging for transfers to nonreservation schools, accessibility, climate, and courses of study offered should be considered.
[full transcription at link]
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  17. 12 Mei

    National Security Council Memorandum Regarding the Lessons of Vietnam, in 1975



SUBJECT:  Lessons of Vietnam

At your request, I have prepared some thoughts on the "lessons of Vietnam" for your consideration and for your background information in dealing with further press questions on the subject.  

It is remarkable, considering how long the war lasted and how intensely it was reported and commented, that there are really not very many lessons.  From our experience in Vietnam that can be usefully applied elsewhere despite the obvious temptation to try.  Vietnam represented a unique situation, geographically, ethically, politically, militarily and diplomatically.   We should probably be grateful for that and should recognize it for what it is, instead of trying to apply the "lessons of Vietnam" as universally as we once tried to apply the "lessons of Munich".  

[full transcription at link]
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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    11 Mei

    On May 20, at 11 am, kids can “meet” Madam C.J. Walker, Black entrepreneur and civil rights advocate, as portrayed by Dr. Daisy Century. Madam C.J. Walker’s great-great-granddaughter, journalist , will also discuss her book.

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  19. 11 Mei

    In early May, 16 U.S. soldiers died in battle with Mexican forces. President Polk asked Congress for a declaration of war in 1846: “In further vindication of our rights and defence of our territory, I invoke the prompt action of Congress . . . “

    Louisiana for four regiments of infantry to be sent to him as soon as practicable.

     In further vindication of our rights and defence of our territory, I invoke the prompt action of Congress to
recognize the existence of the War and [inserted] to place at the disposition of the Executive, the means
of prosecuting the war with vigor and thus hastening the restoration of peace.  To this end I recommend that
authority should be given to call into the public service a large body of volunteers to serve for not less than
six or twelve months, unless sooner discharged.  A volunteer force is beyond question more efficient than any
other description of citizen soldiers: and it is not to be doubted that a number far beyond that required, would
readily rush to the field upon the call of their country. I further recommend that a liberal provision be made
for sustaining
     { over
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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    10 Mei

    In his second blog post in a series, the Archivist looks at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, which is on the ancestral lands of the People.

    Color photograph of shiny modern building.
    1935 map “Indian Tribes from the State of Maryland, ”Maryland Map Collection, from the University of Maryland Digital Collections
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