Bar Members Seating

Members of this Court’s Bar are invited to sit inside the brass railing.  Before entering, they will be required to report to the Clerk’s assistant who is seated adjacent to the statue of Chief Justice John Marshall in the Lower Great Hall on the ground floor.  The Supreme Court Bar check-in process normally begins at 9 a.m.  Bar members are required to show the assistant a photo identification card and each name is checked against the Bar membership roster.  Inform the assistant if your name is different from the one used when you were admitted to the Bar.  Bar members will be issued a pass and directed to proceed to the Courtroom on the first floor.  Seating is on a first come, first seated basis.  When the Bar section is filled, remaining Bar members will be seated in the Lawyers’ Lounge where arguments can be heard through a loudspeaker.  Bar members are asked to wear professional business attire.  Male attorneys shall wear a coat and a tie.  Female attorneys shall wear comparable attire (suit, dress, or dress slacks with matching jacket).  Hats and furs are not permitted.  Topcoats, raincoats, jackets and umbrellas must be checked in the cloakroom.