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  1. For the science geek in all of us-Let natural science be your expression of affection- check out our FAQs here:

  2. Getting to the Heart of Geography-just how many place names begin with heart? Search geog names here What's your fav?

  3. Cold morning? Lazy day? Lonely night? Snuggle up with a Valentines gift of USGS science news—new Twitter accts:

  4. About 19,000 active and inactive seismograph stations are arrayed around the world. Is one near you? Have a look here:

  5. What's the difference between an Accelerograph - a Seismogram - a Seismograph - and a Seismometer? Descriptions here:

  6. [PUB] The State of the Earth's Cryosphere at the Beginning of the 21st Century- , Floating Ice & more -

  7. Interior Prepares to Conduct Landsat 8 Scientific Programs After Successful Launch of Latest Satellite

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