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An internship in Congressman Tim Murphy's office presents college students with a rewarding opportunity to serve Pennsylvania's 18th District, while gaining valuable knowledge of the federal government and legislative process. Interns are exposed to legislative and policy research, as well as assisting staff with constituent services.  Internships are available for the fall, spring, or summer semesters.


In the Congressman’s Washington, D.C. office, interns will have the opportunity to learn about the legislative process and the federal government by working closely with the legislative, communications and constituent services staff members. Interns will be asked to answer phones, research legislation, and help give tours of the Capitol for visiting constituents. Interns will also have the opportunity to attend congressional hearings and many social gatherings and events organized for interns.  There is no better way to learn how government works than to experience it first hand.


In the Congressman’s district offices, interns have the opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about how a Congressional office provides constituent services and interacts with the community.  As an intern, you will be talking regularly with the constituents of Pennsylvania’s 18th District, providing assistance to the Congressman’s field staff and caseworkers, as well as participating in area outreach to facilitate communication between Congressman Murphy and Western Pennsylvanian residents.

All internships are unpaid and candidates who are chosen for the Washington, D.C. office are responsible for paying their travel and living expenses. However, interns in any office can arrange to receive academic credit for their work. The internship program is open to all area college students, regardless of major. Interested candidates should download and fill out the Internship Application. Completed applications can be mailed to:

Congressman Tim Murphy
Attn: Susan Mosychuk 
2332 Cannon House Office Building 
Washington, DC 20515

District Office Internship Application (01/16/13 02:53 PM PST)
Washington DC Application (01/16/13 02:50 PM PST)