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Defense and Military

The Declaration of Independence reminds us that all people have inalienable rights – among them, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, our Founding Fathers believed that the federal government must provide for the common defense of our great Nation. Today our service men and women remain actively involved in combat operations worldwide.
I am committed to ensuring that the men and women of our Nation’s armed forces have the best possible equipment and support and will work to ensure that the troops have what they need to succeed wherever they are sent. Our Nation’s military men and women protect U.S. interests and stand up for the rights of oppressed people around the world. They are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for this country and are the world’s first lines of defense against any expansion of tyranny or attempt at terrorist activity. Our troops deserve our prayers and every resource available to help them in their mission.
Myth vs. Fact: 2012 NDAA (12/15/11 03:53 PM PST)