Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Verified account


Former Governor of Massachusetts

Massachusetts ·

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  1. From the bottom of our hearts, Ann and I thank you for your support, prayers, efforts, & vote. We are forever grateful to every one of you.

  2. With your help, we will turn our country around and get America back on the path to prosperity. Please vote today

  3. We can’t afford four more years like the last. Vote today to ensure that the future will be better than the past

  4. I am asking for your vote because I want to keep America the hope of the earth. Find out where to vote:

  5. With your vote tomorrow, we will move one step closer to restoring America's promise. Find out where to vote:

  6. If you are ready for real change, vote tomorrow for the kind of leadership that these times demand

  7. I’m asking for your vote tomorrow because I want to get America working again. Find out where to vote:

  8. We need your support to get America back on track. Volunteer and make calls from home for 30 minutes:

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