NASA's Juno MissionCuenta verificada


Trekking to Jupiter to improve our understanding of the planet’s origins and the formation of planetary systems everywhere.

Arriving at Jupiter 7.4.2016
Se unió en enero de 2009

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  1. Calling all educators! My record-setting achievement translates into a lesson:

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  2. Where no solar-powered spacecraft has gone before. Find out how I'm going the distance:

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  3. Are we there yet? 64 million miles to go till I arrive at Jupiter. Status update:

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  4. Eureka! Galileo discovered three moons orbiting Jupiter on Jan 7, 1610.

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  5. retwitteó

    Jupiter rising. Watch the moon and Jupiter rise in your early morning sky. More info:

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  6. Time flies! Today celebrates 15 years since its closest approach to Jupiter.

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  7. Hey citizen scientists! We're prepping for great images of Jupiter, but we need your help.

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  8. To Jupiter and beyond. in 1973 Pioneer 10 flew past Jupiter, paving the way for outer solar system exploration.

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  9. Hello, can you hear me? Juno is 522 million miles away. Data take 47 minutes to reach Earth

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  10. Mileage milestone! Juno is now less than 1 AU from Jupiter (1 AU = average distance between Earth and the Sun).

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  11. Science On Demand: Catch a recording of yesterday’s Juno mission to public talk:

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  12. Find out how Juno will unlock ’s mysteries. Live public talk this Thursday, Nov. 5:

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