D.A. Hanson and D.K. Schmalzer, "An Adoption Scenario for Carbon Capture in Pulverized Coal Power Plants in the USA," Greenhouse Gases Science and Technology,3:1-6 (2013) John Wiley and Sons.
D.A. Hanson, and J.A.Laitner, The AMIGA Modeling System, Version 4.2: Disaggregated Capital and Physical Flows of Energy within a General Equilibrium Framework, 2006.
R.D. Doctor, Future of CCS Adoption at Existing PC Plants: Economic Comparison of CO2 Capture and Sequestration from Amines and Oxyfuels, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL/ESD/12-9, 2011.
D.A. Hanson, Y. Kryukov, S. Leyffer, T. S. Munson, Optimal Control Model of Technology Transition, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol.33, No. 3-4, 2010.
D.A.Hanson, and J.A.Laitner, “Input-Output Equations Embedded within Climate and Energy Policy Analysis Models,” Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology, S. Suh (editor) Springer, Dordrecht, 2009.
M.G.Shelby, A.A.Fawcett, O.E.Smith, D.A.Hanson, R.D.Sands, “Representing Technology in CGE Models: A Comparison of SGM and AMIGA for Electricity Sector CO2 Mitigation”, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2008.
J.A.Laitner, and D.A.Hanson, “Modeling Detailed Energy-Efficiency Technologies and Technology Policies within a CGE Framework,” Energy Journal, Hybrid Modeling of Energy-Environmental Policies: Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down, Special Issue 2006.
D.A.Hanson and J.A. Laitner, “Technology Policy and World Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the AMIGA Modeling System,” Energy Journal, Special Issue, Energy Modeling Forum Study 21, 2006.