check_access script

The check_access script for the repository has been updated to use an improved scheme for access management.   Module maintainers are now capable of granting/revoking access to users without the assistance of CVS administrators.

Granting users write acess to a module

Acess to CVS modules is now checked using an "allowed" file in the CVS  module check_access.d/<module>".  The allowed file contains the names of users and groups of users with write permission to the module.  These users also have permission to add others to the "check_access.d" allowed file.

To add a user to a module's allowed file:
1) "setup cvs"
2) "cvs co check_access.d/<module>"
3) edit check_access.d/<module>/allowed to include new user
4) "cvs commit" when sitting inside either check_access.d or check_access.d/<module>

Granting groups of users write access to a module

Groups of users may be given access to a module by placing "#include <group name>"  in the allowed file of the module.

Adding users to a group

Groups may have members of two types:
1) Simple members
        Listed in "check_access.d/groups/<group name>/members"
2) Members with permission to add other users
        Listed in "check_access.d/groups/<group name>/allowed"

To add a user to a group:
1) "setup cdcvs"
2) "cvs co check_access.d/groups/<group name>"
3) edit either the allowed or members file in check_access.d/groups/<group name>
4) "cvs commit" when sitting inside check_access.d/groups/<group name>

Note that other groups may be added to a group, by simply adding "#include <group1>" in either the allowed or members file for <group2>.

Adding access files for new modules

After importing a new module into CVS, one must create an allowed file for that module to grant users permission to write to the module.

1) Create an "allowed" file in an empty directory.
            The file should contain usernames and/or "#include <group>" lines.
2) "cvs import check_access.d/<module> fermilab initial" inside the directory.

To add users to a module later (same as directions above):
3) "cvs co check_access.d/<module>"
4) Edit allowed file to add users or groups.
5) "cvs commit check_access.d/<module>/allowed"

Creating new groups

One may create a new group which consists of individuals or groups:

1) Create "allowed" and "members" (optional) files in an empty directory.
        The files should contain usernames and/or "#include <group>" lines.
2) "cvs import check_access.d/groups/<group name> fermilab initial" inside the directory.

Note that in the above discussions the <module> can also be one or more subdirectories below the check_access.d directory. If no such subdirectory exists yet, one can be added by the usual CVS means. (either a cvs import, or a cvs add, etc.)

In all cases, the contents of the head revision of the allowed and members files is what counts.