Stacking Rate

The average rate counts the total number of pbars accumulated divided by the total number of hours in stacking mode. The corrected average rate accounts for the fraction of pulses on target without beam, to take out downtime effects.

Available Pbars

Average Protons on Target

Average Pbar Accumulation Rate

The average accumulation rate is defined as (the number of pbars available to the collider (previous plot) - the number of pbars left after the previous store)/hours between the previous store start and shot setup start.

Stacking Parameters

Table undergoing revision, will be corrected soon

Stacking in last 24 hours

Most in an hour: .00 mA at null
Best: 23.10 mA on 22-Mar-07

Average Production .00 e-6/proton Best: 18.93 e-6/proton on 03/24/2007

Average Protons on Target .00 e12 Best: 8.77 e12 on 07/24/2007

Largest Stack .00 mA Best: 245.53 mA on 12/04/2003

File last written at: Mon Oct 01 15:10:01 CDT 2007