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CLARAty is primarily funded by the Mars Technology Program (MTP). We would like thank Dr. Samad Hayati, manager of the NASA Mars Technology Program and Mr. David Lavery, Program Executive for the Solar and Planetary Exploration at NASA headquarters for their vision, commitment and support throughout the years.

We would also like to thank the Intelligent System Projects under the Computing, Information and Communications Technology (CICT) Program for their support of this work in the first years.

Additionally, we would also like to thank former principal investigator and former program manager, Dr. Richard Volpe for his tireless efforts in leading this work in the earlier years and for providing the programmatic direction for supporting multiple technology developments within the competed Mars Technology Program. We would also like to thank Dr. Gabriel Udomkesmalee, manager of the Mars Science Laboaratory (MSL) Focused Technology Program for his support for providing the necessary deliverables of relevant technologies for validation and potential use in the MSL mission. Our thanks also go to Dr. Paul Schenker, current program manager for the Robotic Space Exploration Technology Program for his programmatic guidance and support.

We are grateful to numerous contributions of technology algorithms from the ASTEP (Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring the Planets) program as well as other internal programs at the centers.

The work was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, NASA Ames Research Center, Carnegie Mellon, and University of Minnesota under a contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.