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CLARAty Movies

Fiscal Year 2006

Navigating to a designated target 12 m away using the MER version of visual target tracking, the MER GESTALT obstacle avoidance, and visual odometry. (MP4 - 26 MB)
Navigating in a world simulated by SimScape and the ROAMS high-fidelity dynamic simulator. The rover is using stereovision-based Morphin obstacle avoidance with the D* path planner and the Extend Kalman Filter pose estimator. (MP4 - 16 MB)
Navigating to a designated target 8 m away in very rough terrain on Rocky 8 (kinematic hand-off). (MP4 - 4.2 MB)

Fiscal Year 2005

Single-cycle instrument placement on Rocky 8: 8 m run with final placement accuracy of 2-3 cm (kinematic hand-off). (MP4 - 4.7 MB)
CLARAty navigating a ROAMS Rover (SOOPS)  (MP4 - 3.3 MB)
Visual Target tracking on MER images (W. Kim) (MP4 - 700 K)
GESTALT in CLARAty on FIDO (MP4 - 7.2 MB)
Linux on FIDO (MP4 - 19 MB)

Fiscal Year 2004

Single-cycle instrument placement on Rocky 8. Includes 10 - 2 m tracking, camera-handoff (manual intervention), 2 m to final position tracking, and base placement (MP4) or (MP4 - 20.7MB - low resolution)

Comparing pose estimators: movie collection

Fiscal Year 2003

Rocky 8 and FIDO running CLARAty Morphin navigator with D* and Visual Odometry in Mars Yard (MP4 - 16 MB)

Fiscal Year 2002

Long Range Navigation (60 m traverse) using GESTALT algorithm (MOV - 8.7 MB)
Simulated Long Range Navigation using Morphin/CLARAty Navigation architecture (MP4 - 1.3 MB)

Fiscal Year 2001

End of year movie demonstration (QuickTime - 15.7 MB) (clearance: CL03-1483)
Overview of CLARAty, CLARAty running on Rocky 8 and Rocky 7 rovers- locomotion maneuvers, CLARAty running with Decision Layer (planning and execution) through a multi-target scenario.

Related Movies

Fiscal Year 2004 - Instrument Placement

3 m visual tracking, rover base placement, and vision-guided manipulation (courtesy of P. Backes) (WMV - 1.6 MB)

Fiscal Year 2003 - Visual Target Tracking

Visual tracker (2D/3D) running on Rocky 8 (courtesy of I.A.D. Nesnas) (MP4 - 8 MB)

Fiscal Year 1999

Multiple sample acquisition (Planetary Dexterous Manipulation Task) (MP4 - 1.3 MB)

Multiple sample acquisition (Planetary Dexterous Manipulation Task) (MPEG - 1.3 MB)