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Monday, August 06, 2012
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Physics Auditorium, TA-3, SM-215 ••• Note non-standard location***


Publishing with Nature

Michael White
Nature Journal

Publishing in journals with a pre-review editorial filter can be a mysterious process. The criteria used to select papers for review and ultimate publication is often opaque, as is the identity and background of the editors making the decisions. In this colloquium, I will try to clarify some of these issues from the perspective of a Senior Editor at Nature. I will discuss how I came to be a professional editor, my day-to-day duties, the steps in publishing a manuscript at Nature, and the relationship among Nature-branded journals. Using specific examples from my area of expertise in climate science, I will give an overview of the general categories of papers that we tend to publish.

Host: Mark Petersen, CCS-2, 667-7399,