Terms and Definitions

  • Fracture-Critical
    A fracture-critical bridge is one that does not contain redundant supporting elements. This means that if those key supports fail, the bridge would be in danger of collapse. ThisĀ does not mean the bridge is inherently unsafe, only that there is a lack of redundancy in its design.
  • Functionally obsolete:
    A bridge that is functionally obsolete is not necessarily unsafe. This category indicates the bridge has older design features not built to today's standards. A functionally obsolete bridge is likely not wide enough or tall enough to accommodate current vehicle sizes, weights and traffic volumes.
  • Not Deficient:
    A Bridge that is neither structurally deficient nor functionally obsolete.
  • Structurally Deficient:
    A bridge that is structurally deficient is not necessarily unsafe. This category indicates the bridge has elements that need to be repaired and/or monitored. A structurally deficient bridge should be maintained, inspected and monitored on a regular basis.
  • Sufficiency Rating:
    The Sufficiency Rating is calculated from a complex formula (developed by the FHWA) using 18 data items from the Structural Inventory and Appraisal (SI&A). A number (or rating) is generated from 0 to 100 indicating the bridge's structural and functional condition. The 100 possible points are allocated as follows: 55 points for "Structural Adequacy and Safety", 30 points are for "Serviceability and Functional Obsolescence", and 15 points for "Essentiality for Public Use".
Bridge Portal
Select any county on the left select the Structure# for details about the bridge
2013 National Bridge Comparison
The purpose of this dashboard is to compare the defieciency status of Kentucky's bridges with other states along with the national average.
Bridges built by decade
This dashboard illustrates
bridge age in decades, how many bridges are that age and how they rate at that age.
ex: Kentucky has 1795 bridges that are between 20 and 29 years old. 8.6% are structurally deficient and 12% are functionally obsolete.