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How Landsat Helps

The Landsat Program

This joint NASA/USGS program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence. Every day, Landsat satellites provide essential information to help land managers and policy makers make wise decisions about our resources and our environment. + Landsat Case Studies ebook

NASA researchers in the field
Details of a Greening Arctic
The northern reaches of North America are getting greener, according to a NASA
+ details
Landsat 2 WBVTR

Imaging the Past

Today, we are getting richer and more plentiful information about Earth’s land surface than ever before. But amid all of this modern Earth []
Landscape of West Kalimantan, Indonesia by Yayan Indriatmoko , CIFOR

Staying Alert: How a New Landsat-Based Tool Spots Deforestation

Forests are commodities. The biggest driver of deforestation worldwide is the economic value of trees and the land they stand on. With the high []
Lake Havasu 1911 map


Journey with us into the cartographic past. Latest look: Creating an Oasis in the Desert: Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 1911 []

Landsat 8 sketch

“The novelty of our study lies in the bigger picture—measuring glacier change over all main glaciated ranges in Bolivia—and in the identification of potentially dangerous lakes for the first time.”