ACR website
Vital Stats website
Query Datasets
Cancer Query
Population Estimates
Arizona's Public Health Data Query System
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Indicator Based Information System for Public Health (IBIS-PH). This system allows the public to query cancer rates, mortality rates and population estimates for Arizona. These public health data sets are intended to support evidenced-based decision making in Arizona to plan and improve service delivery, evaluate health care systems, and inform policy decisions. Other uses are not permissible.

Enhancement funding is provided to the Arizona Department of Health Services Cancer Registry by a CDC cooperative agreement (5U58DP003858) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the National Program of Cancer Registries. This website does not necessarily represent the official views of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Getting Started
Follow these four basic steps to query a data set.
  1. Select a data set from the menu on the left.
  2. Click on a report from the Report Selection listing.
  3. Follow the steps to build your query.
  4. When you are done building your query, click "Submit Query" in the last step to get your results.

User Help
Help buttons throughout the query modules provide information necessary to make specific query-related selections.

News and Updates
1995-2013 Arizona Reportable Cancers (updated 08/02/2016)

AZ State Specific EDITS
The download .ZIP file contains both .EMF and .RMF files.

NAACCR v16.0C: (10.7 MB) 11/07/2016 (ACR_v16_0C.emf, ACR_v16_0C.rmf) *** latest version 16.0c ***
NAACCR v15.0. : (11.9 MB) 05/07/2015 (ACR_v15_0A.emf, ACR_v15_0A.rmf)
NAACCR v14.0. : (11.8 MB) 06/01/2014 (ACR_v14_0A.emf, ACR_v14_0A.rmf)

Website link for Flu.govWebsite link for Douglas A. DuceyLink to azcarecheck.comLink to smokefreearizona.orgArizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN)U.S. Census 2010

Any documents contained on this Web site that are translations from original text written in English are unofficial and not binding on this state or a political subdivision of this state. Los documentos que son traducciones al Español y que se encuentran en esta página Web no tienen validez oficial ni legal en este Estado o en alguna entidad politica del mismo.

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This page last updated 08/02/2016