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Icing Branch
About the Icing Branch
Aircraft Ice Protection
Remote Sensing
Design & Analysis Tools
Education & Training
Facility Fact

The Icing Branch is involved in the development of remote sensing technologies to measure, forecast and transmit data about icing condtions to flight crews, controllers & dispatchers.

Measurement fences on iced wing during flight Remote sensing equipment on Mt. Washington, NH
Aircraft Ice Protection
As one of the three major programs for NASA's Aircraft Icing Project, the Aircraft Ice Protection program element focuses on two main areas. The first is the development of remote sensing technologies to measure nearby icing conditions, improve current forecast capabilities, and develop systems to transfer and display information to flight crews, flight controllers, and dispatchers. Second is the development of systems to monitor and assess aircraft performance, notify the cockpit crew about the state of the aircraft, and/or automatically alter the aircraft controlling systems to prevent stall or loss of control in the icing environment.

The Aircraft Ice Protection element of the program has been subdivided into three main areas of investigation:

Icing Avoidance

Goal: To provide flight crews with icing weather conditions information for avoidance or exit options.

Approach: To develop technologies fro the sensing and communication of the icing environment to provide the required information to flight crews, controllers, and dispatchers for improved decision making.

Icing Tolerant Aircraft

Goal: To improve the ability of aircraft to operate safely in icing conditions.

Approach: To develop technologies that will improve protection/detection capability, identify the state of the aircraft in the local icing environment, operate the ice protection equipment, and prevent uncontrolled aircraft responses to aircraft ice contamination.

Icing Atmospheric Characterization

Goal: To develop instrumentation and meaurement techniques and characterize atmospheric icing conditions to improve simulation capability, provide icing weather validation databases, and increase knowledge of icing physics.

Approach: To conduct research flights in icing with flying laboratory and develop cloud physics instrumentation and analysis methods.

Further Information
Technical Contact
Andrew Reehorst
Remote Sensing
Learn more about activities to remotely sense and detect nearby icing conditions.
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Last Updated: June 3, 2014
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