Merry Christmas, Tennessee

Christmas is a special time of year. Many of us use this time to gather as families and friends in celebration of the coming year. We exchange gifts and decorate our homes. All of this contributes to the celebration of the season.

To all too many, that is all Christmas is about. To most of us, of course, it is much, much more. It is important for us to enjoy all that the Christmas season has to offer but we have a sacred obligation to remember the true reason for the season: the birth of Christ.

No gift on this day should ever be taken for granted -- especially the gift God gave us in the form of his only son, Jesus.While Christmas is a joyous time of year, we cannot pretend to forget the obstacles Christians face in the modern world. Christianity is under attack on two fronts by both secularist liberals and Muslim extremists. Each group poses a different kind of threat but they are both just as dangerous.

While one actively plots our physical death by planning and inspiring terrorist attacks, the other lays the groundwork for our spiritual death by attacking all elements of traditional life through the manipulation of our entertainment, our media and our universities.
We must not only remember the reason for the season, we must fight back against those who would silence us. Freedom of religion was a founding principle of this country. This nation was founded by believers in Christ. We have a responsibility to ensure Judeo-Christian values remain the animating force behind our civilization.
We live in the greatest country in the world and in the greatest state in this union. Whatever differences we have, whatever troubles befall us, we have the knowledge that we live in an exceptional place.
Keep your family close and have a very Merry Christmas.

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