
Program Suggestions

Input from the scientific community is crucial to determining the activities of the MTI. The MTI invites program suggestions in areas where ITP activities can make significant contributions. The current emphasis is on the subjects in nanoscale superconductivity and magnetism, granular physics, soft condensed matter, and physics of complex systems, but the other topics and innovative ideas are highly encouraged. We aim at all time scale programs ranging from a few weeks workshop to multi-years projects. The criteria for the selection of programs include intellectual significance, timeliness, and suitability for the MTI, availability of outstanding participants, and the expected impact on the experimental researches, especially on the experimental projects at Argonne. Submissions need not be elaborate -- a title, a paragraph or two explaining the idea, and some suggestions for organizers and key program participants will be sufficient.
Please submit your program by email to one of the principal investigators or use the online form below.
We will be happy to discuss ideas for programs and to answer questions you may have.

Online submission form

(fields marked with * are mandatory)

© MTI, last update 2005-10-04; security notice