The Program Effectiveness and Policy team of the Professional Educator Standards Board conducts program approval reviews for educator preparation programs across Washington. We regulate educator preparation for many roles, including teachers, principals, program administrators, superintendents, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school occupational therapists, school physical therapists, school speech and language pathologists, and school nurses. In addition to developing educator preparation policy and conducting educator preparation program reviews, the Program Effectiveness and Policy team collaborates with stakeholders of all types in order to ensure that program effectiveness policies are defensible, logical, and meaningful.

Specifically, the Program Effectiveness and Policy Team is responsible for the:
  • Development and maintenance of program evaluation indicators
  • Planning, scheduling, and support for program review events
  • Development and management of standards for educator preparation programs
  • Presentation of educator preparation effectiveness policies to the Board
  • Development of policy solutions in response to the priorities of Washington schools, legislators, Board members, and federal agencies 
  • Outreach to and communication with state and national organizations and stakeholders regarding program effectiveness and policy