
Welcome to NASA Langley Child Development Center Parent Teacher Organization (LCDC PTO).

Make sure you check out Recent Announcements for the latest news regarding events, fundraisers, other important information.


LCDC Playground

LCDC Playground  Photo by Bethany Schiller

Membership — All center staff members and parents of enrolled children are members of the NASA Langley Child Development Center Parent Teacher Organization (LCDC PTO).  The PTO serves a function very similar to that of a Parent Teacher Association in the public school system, and allows parents an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities which support and enrich the programs offered at the center.

Activities — The PTO supports and enriches the programs offered at the center in the following ways: 1) Sponsorship of social events for the children, such as seasonal parties in fall, winter and spring. 2) Sponsorship of fund raising events, such as participation in the NASA LCDC school pictures sales. 3) Purchase of educational classroom supplies and playground equipment. 4) Subsidization of staff training expenses to national educational conferences.

Officers — The Association has elected officers of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary who serve one year-terms.

PTO MeetingsMeetings are held the third Thursday of every month at noon in Bldg 1216, Rm 201 (“Classroom”). LCDC PTO is open to all families and staff in the LCDC community.  Feel free to bring your lunch to meetings.  1 WIN Point is given to each family for attending monthly meetings.

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