Team News Feed


Our Adopted Rats

Image of Cheeky ratName: Cheeky

Job: TB Detection Rat

R.I.P: Aug 31, 2011 - June 19, 2012

Read about our beloved Cheeky who is now watching us from above.

Meet Our Newest Rat: Nala

Recycling Funds

2012: $105.63

2013: $118.63

2014: $56.45

E komo mai!

This website was created as a portal for our company to showcase and document our volunteering efforts in the State of Hawaii. It is our goal throughout to work together as a team and as individuals and to make a difference in our communities and in the lives of our friends and neighbors.

To view a specific staff members accomplishments, please visit their page on the righthand menu by clicking on their name.

If you'd like to read more about our company and what we do, visit:

Thank you for visiting!