Alabama Department of Senior Services


Who we are


Mission Statement

The mission of the Alabama Department of Senior Services is to promote the independence and dignity of those we serve through a comprehensive and coordinated system of quality services


Vision Statement

Our vision is to help society and state government prepare for the changing aging demographics through effective leadership, advocacy and stewardship.


The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) is a cabinet level state agency that administers programs for senior citizens and people with disabilities. The department was originally established by the Alabama Legislature in 1957 as the Alabama Commission on Aging. ADSS was established under Title 38 Chapter 3 of the Code of Alabama.



What we do


ADSS is charged with carrying out the provisions of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended and works closely with the U.S. Administration on Aging to achieve this goal. More information on the Older Americans Act can be found on the ADSS website and the U.S. Administration on Aging’s website.


ADSS administers statewide programs on aging that cover all 67 counties through the Regional Planning Commissions and the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Each of the area agencies on aging provide comprehensive services through contracts and grants to a wide variety of local agencies, both public and private.






ADSS commissioner is appointed by the governor

Current Commissioner - Neal Morrison


ADSS has an Advisory Board that functions in accordance with the requirements of Section 38-3-2 of the Code of Alabama, 1975.


Advisory Board Members


Thomas Ray Edwards, Board Chairman - Valley

Dr. Horace Patterson, Vice-Chair - Talladega

Ann Anderson - Madison

Elizabeth Anderson

Billy Bolton - Mobile

Jackie Goggins - Birmingham

Dr. Michael Johnson - Tuscaloosa

Rhondel Rhone - Grove Hill

Candi Williams, AARP

Senator Gerald Dial

Senator Jim McClendon

Representative Mac McCutcheon

Representative Randall Shedd

Commissioner Fitzgerald Washington, Alabama Department of Labor

Dr. Tom Miller, Alabama Department of Public Health

Commissioner Nancy Buckner, Alabama Department of Human Resources



Where we are


We are located on the third floor of the RSA Tower at:

201 Monroe St., Suite 350

Montgomery, Al 36104


Our mailing address is:

P.O. Box 301851

Montgomery, Al 36130-1851


Our office hours are:

8:00 to 5:00

Monday - Friday


Our office numbers are:

Local - 334-242-5743

Toll Free - 1-877-425-2243

Fax - 334-242-5594


Our email is:


We are closed the following days:


Jan 1:   New Year's Day

Jan 18:   Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday

Feb 9:   Mardi Gras Day (Baldwin & Mobile Counties only)

Feb 15:   George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday

Apr 25:   Confederate Memorial Day

May 30:   Memorial Day

Jun 6:   Jefferson Davis' Birthday

Jul 4:   Independence Day

Sep 5:   Labor Day

Oct 10:   Columbus Day

Nov 11:   Veterans Day

Nov 24:   Thanksgiving

Dec 26:   Christmas


Saturday holidays observed on Fridays.

Sunday holidays observed on Mondays



If you want to reach the Area Agency on Aging in the county you are calling from use our toll free number:


1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463)

ADSS invites your questions and comments. Use the contact information located above if you would like to call us or send a letter, e-mail or fax.