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Small Business Lending Fund 

The United States Department of the Treasury has posted information about the Small Business Lending Fund to its website, along with the terms and conditions.
Included on the webpage is a short summary of the Fund and a link to the “Getting Started Guide for Community Banks” (Guide). This Guide defines eligible institutions and small business lending, and includes the program’s terms and conditions. Note that the Guide states that “An institution is not eligible if it is on the FDIC’s problem bank list (or similar list) or has been removed from that list in the previous 90 days. Generally, this will include any bank with a composite CAMELS rating of 4 or 5.”  The webpage also includes a link to sign up for updates regarding the Small Business Lending Fund. A link to the applicable webpage on the Treasury’s website is provided below:

As stated in the Guide, institutions that wish to participate in the program must also submit its small business lending plan to the appropriate state banking department. An email address has been set up for Alabama state-chartered banks to submit plans to the Department:











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