Vendor Information

If a vendor is seeking IT business opportunities with the State of South Dakota there are requirements and standards for IT related projects that must be implemented prior to placing a project or service into production.

Below vendors will find access to information and requirements that must be followed when conducting business with the State of South Dakota in regards to information and technology.

  • ITSP - Contractor version
  • NOTE: The term “Vendor” or “Vendors” refers to any outside entity providing information and technology to the State of South Dakota.

    IMPORTANT: In conjunction with the below information, vendors who are actively pursuing IT business opportunities with the State of South Dakota must also comply with the Information and Technology User Security Policy. For security purposes, this content is not for public consumption and is not distributed to the public. The ITUSG is modeled on industry and federal recommendations, principles and guidelines towards security and technology implementations and usage to meet the needs of the State of South Dakota and clients. The ITUSG is available – for vendors - at a later stage in the IT contractual process with the State of South Dakota.

    Register to Bid and South Dakota Vendor Manual

    If a vendor seeks to conduct business with the State of South Dakota, the South Dakota Vendor Manual contains answers to frequently asked questions. Vendors can also register to place bids with the state and access other updates and relevant information. The Bureau of Administration oversees all vendor registrations. Visit the website for more information.

    Request for Proposals (RFP) and Contract Resources

    The BIT RFP Review Process and Contract Resources is designed to provide support, as requested, for technology purchases and RFP development, including: technical approaches and strategies; standards and specifications; scope of work and contract metrics. It is also designed to provide a single entry point for the technology purchase, MOU or RFP review, handle the distribution of the solution description or RFP for review, collect the review responses, provide client or RFP sponsor a single recommendation document, and produce information and documentation in a timely manner.

    In regards to vendor specific information, IT support is available for vendor questions and answers, meetings and presentations along with assessment and selection.

    Vendor and Client Security Requirements

    Specific information for vendors and clients regarding requirements for security are available and must be in compliance when conducting business with the State of South Dakota.


    Standards provide cost savings, faster support and a reliable technology infrastructure. They serve to establish uniform practices and common techniques used as guidelines to measure performance. Below is a list of the standard categories.

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    | 700 Governors Drive, Pierre, South Dakota, 57501