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In order to EXPAND, my business needs...

...MONEY in the form of financing, loans, or incentives.

ProTip!Check local sources! Often your city, county, or regional economic development office can point you to incentives, tax credits, and other financial programs in your area. A Google search with your location and "economic development" is a good start.

...capable EMPLOYEES to handle additional load.

Find them

Hire them

ProTip!There are laws that apply to even the smallest employer! If you're confused, it's better to ask for help. This is one of those places where it's NOT better to apologize later!

Train them LOCATIONS to service other markets. CUSTOMERS to broaden existing lines of business.

...something SPECIAL because of the type of company I have.

  • I have an agribusiness and have particular needs.Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • If your business is small, and owned by a woman or minority, or "SWAM"; or if you're seeking status as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, or "DBE"; look into certification.Department of Minority Business Enterprise
