There are 11 members of the Commission.  Four are appointed by the Governor, three by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, and one by each of the four leaders of the State Legislature.  Click on the Commission Members button for a list and biography of each Commission member.

Click on the Staff button for a list of staff and selected biographies.

The Commission's principal office is in New York City. Offices are also maintained in Albany and Rochester.  Click on the Office  Locations button for a listing of the three offices, including addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers.

Complaints to the Commission must be in writing and signed.  A simple but informative letter will suffice.  There is no required form.  Click on Filing a Complaint button for a description of how to file a complaint against a judge.

By law, Commission proceedings are confidential, with certain limited exceptions, such as when the judge under inquiry waives confidentiality as to a hearing.   Click on the Confidentiality button for a description of the statutory mandate of confidentiality and relevant litigation on the subject.

The Commission was established as a temporary agency in 1974 and became permanent as a result of amendments to the State Constitution in 1976 and 1978.  Click on the Mandate & History button for a description of the Commission's mandate and history. Click on the Budget button for an overview of the Commission's budgetary history.