Established in 2008, BatBase is a web-based geodatabase created with funding from the Department of Defense Legacy Resources Management Program. This database was designed to be used as a data entry system and storage location for all bat data collected in the state of Utah. Poor consolidation of existing bat data prior to 2008 led to this Legacy initiative (see About Us). All historical, current, and future data will reside in this one location for the foreseeable future based on participation. Extensive collaboration and coordination between military installations, agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private companies occurred to ensure the success and wide-spread use of this system.

The over-arching purpose and intent of this database is the use of information to help manage 18 species of bat in Utah with specific attention paid to the 6 species that hold State "Species of Concern" status. Species distribution and at-risk status are not limited by property boundaries nor should their management. Collaboration and partnership between DoD land managers, state and federal biologists, as well as members of the Utah Bat Conservation Cooperative serve stewardship, sustainability, and conservation goals of the Military, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, among others.

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  Bat Sites =  272
  Bats Captured = 5277