If you are seeing or hearing this, then either your browser/user agent does not support Cascading Style Sheets, or you have elected to turn them off.  You may see and/or hear immediately following this notice alerts regarding national security or the Amber Alert system that do not apply.  To see if these alerts apply, follow the links.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national threat level advisory is currently red, meaning severe.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information.  You may also check the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national threat level advisory is currently orange, meaning high.  Check the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
There's an Amber Alert in effect.  Consult the Kentucky Emergency Management website for information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
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The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

Electronic Records Archives

An electronic archives of Kentucky governmental information

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The records and publications listed in this archive are historical materials, “frozen in time.”

This means these archival pages have no longer been updated to reflect current information, and links to other sites and e-mail addresses may not work. In addition, the archival pages within this site may not reflect current web standards, including compliance with the Americans for Disabilities Act.

The e-Archives site itself does comply with Kentucky and federal standards.

Collections of Records in the Electronic Records Archives

KDLA is in the process of moving e-archives web pages to work with the new KDLA web site. Your patience is appreciated.

The department's Electronic Records Archives (e-Archives) is a way of expanding its capacity to manage digital records of archival value. We hope you will find that this new resource will speed your access to a wide range of information.

The publications and minutes formerly found on these web pages, as well as many other records, can now be found in a database with a variety of search options including keyword, title, date, or author. Click here to use that tool.

Records of the Office of the Governor - Web pages from the governors that used the interenet.


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Information Updated: 04/06/2011