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International Symposium on Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System III

September 11-16, 2016
Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria

Symposium Objectives:

The main purpose of the International Symposium on Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System III (ISROSES-III) is to bring together cross-disciplinary scientists from around the globe to have focused discussions on fundamental problems related to the space environment of the Earth. It is a continuation of the highly successful ISROSES symposia held in Varna, Bulgaria, during 17-22 September 2006 and in Borovets, Bulgaria, during September 11-16, 2011. The ultimate goal of the symposium is to improve present understanding of the complex, multi-scale, interactions in the Sun-Earth system (from deep within the Sun to the Earth’s atmosphere) by creating a forum for researchers from all space science communities to present and discuss recent advances and future research directions. The main emphasis will be put on the integration of these studies – ranging from observations to related interpretation, theory and numerical modeling – across different temporal and spatial scales of the system. The workshop will facilitate better communication amongst scientists from different space disciplines, and by stimulating fruitful discussions on the main science topics, will help the development of cross-disciplinary young researchers able to address the system-wide problems.

The scientific discussions will include but are not limited to the following themes:

  • Interactions and coupling within the Sun-Earth system
  • Advances in measurement, data analysis, theory, and simulations of the Sun-Earth system
  • Reaction of the Earth system to the Sun and the solar wind
  • Recent research in space weather science and applications

This site provides information about the contents of the scientific program, logistics, abstract submission, and registration. Download the conference poster here.

If you wish to be added to our mailing list please send your name and email address.

We wish to thank the following Sponsors of ISROSES-III:

Center for Space and Earth Science
SCOSTEP/VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact)
US National Science Foundation
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Alumni Association of the Faculty of Physics at Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bt Development Services, Bulgaria

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