
river photoMission Statement
The Mojave Desert Resource Conservation District is committed to the development of a land stewardship ethic that promotes long-term sustainability of the region's rich and diverse natural resource heritage.

Natural Resource Objective of the District
◦ Provide resource management information to the community.
◦ Promote the reduction of wind and water erosion.
◦ Promote the proper utilization of our natural resources.
◦ Promote water conservation.
◦ Provide information for improved irrigation water management.
◦ Demonstrate urban and agricultural practices that sustain and improve water quality and fish and wildlife habitat.
◦ Work with the public and private sector toward land development practices that protect and enhance the region's natural resources and systems.

Wildflower Seeds Available
Wildflower seeds developed especially for the High Desert are available through the Mojave Desert Resource Conservation District. $40.00 per pound (1 pound covers approximately 1/4 acre).

                                         Wildflower's in package above