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Note: If you are a GSA employee, you may login using your GSA Windows username and password.
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Call: (877) 472-4877

Email: AASBS.helpdesk@gsa.gov


NEW FEDSIM Timesheet Application

System Announcement ASSIST has introduced the New FEDSIM Timesheets application: *Responsive web application now residing within the web OMIS application.* *New look and feel that leverages user experience standards.* *Desktop Accessibility via existing ASSIST Portal Login.* *Mobile Accessibility via a new Mobile Login Page (https://portal.fas.gsa.gov/timesheet/login).* *Timesheet Roles Migration to ASSIST Registration.* *New BIRT Reports to support Timesheet functionality.*

AAC & Program Type Release

System Announcement AASBS have introduced the following enhancements: TOS Activity Address Code Enhancements, ITSS Activity Address Code & Program Type Renaming Enhancements, ITSS Funding Program Type Renaming Enhancements, ITOMS Program Type Renaming Enhancements, and ASSIST Registration Enhancements

BAAR Training

System Announcement As we enter into the New Year, we have a lot of critical production implementation happening to the IT-Solutions Shop (ITSS) Funding Application and Integrated Task Order management System (ITOMS) with the implementation of Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR) project. This also includes the introduction of a new OMIS web application. We have provided training to introduce the following: Purpose of BAAR | New OMIS web application that includes NBA BAAR integration, navigation, Interagency Agreements, Accounts, Funding, Account Funding, IA Billings, Review Bills, Process Corrections, and XAction Forms | ITSS Funding changes to funding documents, citations (agreements, fee/credit fee billing, and SAF funding changes | ITOMS changes to billing, accruals, funding/citations, assigning funds/task order funding (TOF), validations, and flat files | ASSIST search pages for agreement, billing, and accrual transactions within ITSS, ITOMS, and OMIS (i.e., TOS). Training materials are available via this help doc: https://web.itss.gsa.gov/itss/v41_helpdocs.nsf/LUindex/OMISBAARFEDSIMUSERS2016020

APM version 2.0 enhancements

System Announcement AASBS has activated ASSIST Acquisition Planning Module version 2.0 enhancements for GSA employees. Please refer to the November 2015 release documentation for enhancement specifications.

Internet Explorer 11 Updates

System Announcement The AAS Business Systems deployed a system enhancement to address Internet Explorer 11 updates. Users will now experience better compatibility with web standards, web browsers, and legacy websites. This release also corrected known IE11 compatibility issues in ASSIST, RBA, NBA, and the AASBS Portal, and should prevent the ASSIST, ITOMS, and TOS applications from displaying incorrectly. If you are experiencing compatibility issues, please follow the troubleshooting steps found here - https://web.itss.gsa.gov/itss/v41_helpdocs.nsf/LUindex/IE11CompatibilityMode. If you require additional assistance, please contact the AASBS Help Desk at tel: (877) 472-4877 or email: aasbs.helpdesk@gsa.gov.

Changing Password - Clients and Contractors

System Announcement For Client and Contractor users: you may change your ASSIST password at any time, but must change it every 90 days. You may access instructions on how to change your password at the following URL : https://web.itss.gsa.gov/itss/v41_helpdocs.nsf/LUindex/ChangePassword

GWAC & OASIS Management Modules Renamed

System Announcement The GWAC and OASIS Management Modules have been renamed to the Contract Payment Reporting Module, or CPRM. In order to better serve our Customers and Industry Partners, the GWAC Management Module and the OASIS Management Module have been combined into a single module named the Contract Payment Reporting Module (CPRM). Users who previously had access to the GWAC and/or OASIS Management Modules now have access to the CPRM. The CPRM provides all the same features and functionality that the GWAC and OASIS Management Modules provided, but in a single system/module to better support the needs of the GWAC, Connections, and OASIS Program Offices. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the AASBS Help Desk at AASBS.helpdesk@gsa.gov or (877) 472-4877.

News and Information

The Central Invoice Service (CIS) has been deployed, effective 8-December-2014!

Effective immediately...all new invoices submitted to the AAS Business Systems (RBA, NBA) MUST BE submitted through CIS. Any RBA invoice submitted to GSA Finance after 05-December-2014 will be auto-rejected and must be re-submitted through the Central Invoice Service.


So what can you expect now that CIS has been deployed into the ASSIST framework?:


· Fewer rejections, as the service includes streamlined, enhanced invoice entry and validations to prevent submission errors;


· Greater transparency with invoice payment tracking information;


· For ITSS acquisitions…no more dual submission!...a single invoice submission into the Central Invoice Service eliminates any need for redundant submission to GSA Finance and ITSS;


· For TOS acquisitions…online client access to review invoices in real-time;


· Better reporting via real-time, on-demand reports available at your fingertips;


· Convenient summary details about historical and in-process invoices combining all invoices across applications; and,


· Improved help content with extensive ‘tool-tips’ and ‘in-form’ help.

How do I access CIS?


Learn more by reviewing the attached recorded training sessions....


Central Invoice Service Targeted Training Demos


Central Invoice Service Training for Contractors


Central Invoice Service Training for Clients


Central Invoice Service Training for GSA Employees

GSA Programs

Office of Assisted Acquistion Services
Assisted Acquistion Services (AAS)


Federal Systems and Integrated Management Center
Federal Systems and Integrated Management Center (FEDSIM)


Office of Integrated Technology Services
Integrated Technology Services (ITS)


Office of General Supplies and Services (IWAC)
GSA's Integrated Workplace Acquisiton Center (IWAC)


Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs)
Governmentwide Acquistion Contract (GWAC)


Office of Network Services Program
Network Services Program